Marc B. Garnick, MD
scientific advisory board
Marc B. Garnick, MD, is the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where he also directs the Hospital’s role as a tertiary cancer center for 7 affiliated community cancer centers. He completed his oncology training and faculty appointments in oncology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He serves as the editor in chief for The HMS Annual Report on Prostate Diseases, and its associated website. He served as the initial academic co-principal investigator for the commonly used prostate cancer drug leuprolide (Lupron) and was a member of the FDA/NCI consortium that led to initial approval of the drug cisplatin. He has just completed a 10 year tenure as a special governmental advisory member of multiple FDA panels and advisory committees and now provides consultative services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.